Thursday, September 13, 2012

A great tool for the entire family!

I want to tell you of an incident that happened last year with our two daughters. They wanted to go to the park with their friends so we sent them both with an Amber Alert GPS clipped onto their pants. We set up a zone around the park to know if they left the area. A half hour later I was on my way to the store when I got a text message alerting me from one of my daughters GPS units. I thought for a moment that they probably accidently pushed the ?help? button but to be sure I turned around and drove back to the park. The Google map on my phone showed me the exact spot where they were playing I parked on the road next to a big tree and looked up. They were up in the tree having a great time and, just as I thought, one of them had unknowingly pushed the GPS button while climbing. They asked me why I came to the park and I told them that I had gotten an alert from them that they needed help. We laughed. I was amazed at the accuracy of the device. There was comfort in knowing that I could drive right up to the very spot where they were playing and find everything alright and my daughters knew that I would come to find them if they ever had to push the button in a real emergency. I am thankful for the peace of mind that this kind of technology gives me and that it is such a great tool for our family! Have a piece of mind knowing everyone's SAFE! Protect your "family" today for tommorrow.

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